if love was enough

a cartoon of 8 dogs, including cattle dogs, a labrador, border collies and Australian Shepherds (Aussies) inside a blue circle with a banner that reads 'if love was enough, all our dogs would be happy and well'

Today I’m thinking about the parents of problem-pooches, and the special pain that comes from loving another creature so much and yet not being able to make things better for them. 

We feel love (the noun) for our complex canines, and we love (the verb) our complex canines in every little act of kindness, every difficult decision, every sacrifice. The vet visits, the ongoing training, the cooperative care, the snuggles, the advocating, the self-education. 

I wish it were enough. In fiction, this sort of love has the power to heal wounds and end wars, but here, in reality, love can only bring dogs as close to wellness and joy as genetics, circumstance, environment, and chance will allow.

Though we may feel our love is not enough. To our dogs, our love is everything. 

For Em 🧡


troubled dogs are good dogs too


little trusts